Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chemistry Definition

Chemistry DefinitionHaving a good chemistry definition may seem simple, but this subject can be quite difficult for many students. The reason is because the definition usually involves more than one term or a even a combination of several terms.There are two ways to approach this, which is to choose one or more different definitions and then compare those to other definitions that could also work. If you're not sure about the first term, use it and if you're not sure about the second term, use that one as well. Also keep in mind that it can take some time to figure out the correct definition of your term.It is important to understand the different types of definitions of your term and also the fact that there are variations between them. When you're talking about the elements, you may need to define them. When you're talking about the elements, you may need to include or exclude them from your definition. For example, if you're talking about atoms, it will depend on how the atoms are defined and the number of the atoms.For that matter, the definition of an element is dependent on how the element has been found to be related to the other elements. In most cases, when you look at the structure of the element, you'll see that it has atoms that have some common elements with the rest of the elements. These elements are called covalent bonds and they occur in a variety of forms. For example, if you look at carbon, you'll see that it is present in two forms, of which one is graphite and the other is diamond.If you look at the structure of a chemical compound, you'll see that the atoms have covalent bonds and those bonds can be seen on their electrons. Thus, the structure of the atom will be defined by its covalent bonds. After that, you need to understand the chemical properties of the compound. If you'talking about solids, you can look at the characteristics of various solids such as ice, oil, and water.Sometimes, you can use an online chemistry calculator in order to help you when calculating for any particular term in your classroom chemistry. But make sure that the calculator you choose allows you to enter the proper information.If you're going to use a calculator in order to calculate for a proper chemistry definition, make sure that you use a good one so that you'll have a better chance of getting accurate results. You can find the best calculator online, especially if you log onto a chemistry forum. Also, make sure that you use the correct one and don't mix up the different formulas.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Graduate On Time in College

How to Graduate On Time in College It is widely assumed that the college experience is only a four-year one. Many students embark on this journey believing four years is all theyll have, as if college will automatically end once that proclaimed time period has passed. However, college doesnt necessarily wrap up in four years so easily. In fact, the amount of time you spend there is very much in your control. Unlike in high school when teachers and various meetings helped you map out your schedule every semester along the way, no one will be closely overseeing that aspect of your college classes. If you dont keep track of what subjects and how many hours you need to take in order to graduate on time or graduate at all you may not be finding this installment of higher education to be completed so easily in just four years. From the very beginning, you are the one who needs to be aware of what classes you have been, are, and will be taking. Yes, you will have an advisor assigned to you by your major who will be able to help you scope these things out, but even then, you must set up your own meetings with them at the right times. Especially if you end up attending a larger school, it will take a lot more effort to schedule some time between you and your advisor to make sure you degree requirements are correctly on track. If you are planning on going to grad school you may want to check out some of the best classes for grad school admissions. This is clearly an important process to be aware of if you want to be sure to successfully graduate in general, but it is absolutely crucial that you are on top of these things if you want to guarantee yourself a timely graduation ceremony with the rest of your class. There are several things to keep track of and you need to have a personally helpful system in place in order to keep this information organized. It isnt the most fun thing to do and it may not feel necessary right away, but youll be thankful that you did it once senior year rolls around and the degree application process isnt giving you red flags of rejection. It may seem overwhelming, but there are just a few areas you really need to make sure you look at: General Education Requirements: Your freshman orientation will probably encourage you to sign up for most of these anyway, but it is a good idea to check out exactly what you need to take in this section of classes. Among the selection of English, math, and science related courses, there will be a specific amount of general education courses that you must complete. Dont just assume you only need one of each and then think youve gotten them out of the way. There are sub-categories in each of these subjects that you must pay attention to. For instance, you may need to take a certain number of science labs in addition to lectures, or fictional literature classes in addition to non-fiction ones. Throw in the endless variety of mathematics and you are facing quite the handful of possible Gen Eds. A very useful tip in this area is to get as much of these taken care of as early as possible. Although they may not be the exciting courses you wanted to start your college experience with, youll be a lot more content sitting in these classes as a freshman than as the only upper-classman in the bunch later on. Requirements for Your Major: Needless to say, every major is different and therefore demands vastly different selections of classes for you to take. If you are an Engineering major, you should not converse about registration decisions with your Psychology major roommate. This is particularly where advisors come in handy because they are informed most specifically on your field of study. There are going to be a certain amount of hours you need to take of classes related to your major, and a specific list of the types of classes related to your major. Make sure you understand which specific subjects you need to take, how many hours of each of them, and how many hours overall. Additionally, you may be required to take a certain amount of classes/hours in the particular school you belong to (i.e. School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Business, etc.) that are specifically not related to your major. Universities like you to be well-rounded even within your major, so be prepared to continue looking at the wide span of things even under this umbrella. If you are still unsure about your major you may want to check out this information on college majors. Semester Hours: This is the big one. Graduation requirements will typically state that you need to have X amount of hours total to graduate but it never stays that simple. There will be semester hour requirements within those total hours. For instance, no more than X amount of hours can come from your major, or at least X amount of hours must come from general education classes, etc.. If youve paid attention to the aforementioned course requirements, these hours should ideally fall into place relatively easily. However, it is still very important to keep track of, since one small mistake with your hours could throw off everything and cancel out many hours of hard work. Bottom line: these requirements are tricky, and these requirements are final. Make a list or chart early on to map out these demands perfectly so you dont get lost as time flies by. If you get this process started before it begins, you will be far more likely to stay on top of it throughout the entire duration of your college experience. Whereas if you try to catch up on it in the middle of your junior year, there will be much more of a challenge to get your schedule straightened out and ensure you are set to graduate on time. Get this information put together immediately and you will have a great item of guidance every semester when it comes time to register for classes. You may also want to check out this information on how to network as a recent college graduate!

Free AP exam prep seminars

Free AP exam prep seminars Its already March, which means that AP exam season will soon be upon us!  Most teachers are  finishing up new material in AP classes this month, and exam preparation will start in April.  If youre  worried about that tough US History or Calculus exam, you should check out our AP exam preparation  seminars!New for 2012, our AP seminars are free for current AJ Tutoring students and only $50 for non-AJ  Tutoring students.  Each seminar is two hours long and will consist of a review of major topics, hard concepts, and typical problems, as well as a question and answer session.  All seminars will take place at our Palo Alto office at 430 Cambridge Avenue, Suite 110.AP Seminar Schedule:AP Calculus (AB/BC) Seminar: Date: April   23rd @ 6-8pm (Instructor: William Cesarotti)AP Chemistry Seminar:  Date: May 3rd @ 6:30-8:30pm (Instructor: Robert Jonas)AP Physics B Seminar: Date: May 7th @ 4:30-6:30pm (Instructors: William Cesarotti Andrew Dreyfuss)AP US History Seminar: Date: May 7th @ 6:30-8:30pm (Instructors: Jean Liao Jared Greene)AP English (Language) Seminar: Date: May 12th @ 3-5pm (Instructor: Jared Greene)Click here  to register for a seminar.  Space is limited, so register today!    If youd like more comprehensive review for your AP exams with one of our experienced tutors, email and well get you set up.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Technology Is Improving Tutoring

How Technology Is Improving Tutoring Improving Academic Performance Technology is helping tutors, teachers, and other education professionals go beyond the classroom and textbooks to help students learn. Online courses and lectures, 3-D modeling, videos, infographics, and other online media encourage students to go further than just memorization and notetaking. Technological developments allow students to fully immerse themselves in the material, revisit lectures, and gain a better understanding of the material through various pathways of learning. New technology is particularly beneficial where traditional methods of teaching have fallen short. Tutors are often brought in when a student is experiencing difficulty understanding a topic. Typically the more abstract subjects, like math or physics, require more assistance for students. Advances in technology have made learning much easier for students who learn visually--those who need to see representations or videos of topics that are hard to understand in standard textbook and lecture methods. Tutors have an opportunity where most teachers do not--to implement new technology to help their students learn. Digital simulations and models go well beyond 2-D representations or a process flowchart. Certain concepts are a challenge to understand when the student is unable to see the behavior in action (like physics). With technology, tutors and teachers are able to bring simulations and modeling into the classroom, assisting students who have difficulty grasping the information through verbal discussion. Technological simulations allow students to have a hands-on experience, which often helps them retain information better. It’s like having lab in the middle of class. Technology removes physical barriers and allows you to learn from anywhere in the world. This greatly opens up the world of education. For example, you could learn your math lessons from an online math tutor program that comes with a variety of support, rather than trying to figure it out on your own. Or, why not get help with science homework with an online physics tutor from a prestigious physics program, rather than paying the kid from down the street? If you’re trying to learn another language, online language sites that connect students with native speakers through videoconferencing can be an amazing educational opportunity. The social interaction and opportunity to learn about another culture without having to relocate to another country is priceless. Technology also enables students to work together on group projects more easily. Various platforms like Podio, Google Drive, Basecamp, and Dropbox make it simpler than ever to share information, documents and research, while assigning tasks and responsibilities. With many recent publications, studies, and books coming out through online platforms, lugging around heavy books will soon be a thing of the past. Instead of having to buy heavy sets of books, additional readings, and lecture notes at the start of each quarter, semester or year, textbooks will literally just be a swipe away on your iPad or tablet. The recent introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), which enables top tier universities’ classes to become increasingly available to the general public, allows for more people to have online access to some of the best education in the world. As the courses and platforms become further advanced, the college may recommend tutors in physics, math, or other subjects, and even provide online tutoring services. Online programs make it easy for people to gain a career that, several years ago, was only possible with four years on a university campus. Whether it is a desire to become a nurse’s aid, a technician, or even how to become a medical assistant, these are all viable options accessible online. With such great online support, this pathway to a career is wide open. Unfortunately, in-class lectures are not the easiest things to remember. Between rapidly copying down notes and asking questions, it seems like you are always playing catch-up. Fortunately, lectures can now be pre-recorded and accessed anytime, anywhere, and as frequently as the student needs. No more missing out on valuable informationâ€"with the notes and lectures available at any time for students to visit at their leisure, they are able to invest more attention to in-session lectures. This means that classroom time can be more devoted to supplementing lecture content through discussions and QA. Teachers and tutors also have more ways to improve, based on the analytics and questions received post lectures. Technological advances are changing the face of education. While teachers might be slightly restricted by funding or school policies, private institutions and online tutor programs can harness the benefits of technology to improve the learning of their students. Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer in Southern California. With a great interest in technology, her writings have covered the many different facets that come along with it. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook to find out more! hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

3 Easy Ways to Help Control Anxiety

3 Easy Ways to Help Control Anxiety Every time something bothers you and you get those uncomfortable butterflies in your chest, grab a pen and paper or sit down in front of your computer and write about it. You dont have to post it anywhere or let anyone read it, but get it out on paper. Have a personal blog or journal that is private for you, or post it as some kind of helpful content to others. I promise, writing about your worries will help relieve some of that anxiety you feel like you just cant shake. If something happens to you and you feel like you are going to bust, hold it together, get to your journal, and let it all out. Finding a hobby kind of goes in there too, as writing can be a hobby but Im going to leave that for another top 3. #2) TALK ABOUT IT I know a lot of people struggling with anxiety might have a problem opening up and talking about it. You can talk to your friends, parents, God, or even a therapist. Speaking of therapy, dont be embarrassed to go to a session or two. If you need it you need it and it will help. You dont have to tell a soul about it. Its confidential and all between you and your doctor. On that note, make sure you have a good therapist. I went to see one a couple times and she turned out to be exactly everything I DID NOT want in a therapist. #1) GET AN ANIMAL     That cute puppy up there is my baby. You think I am crazy, but trust me my little Pomeranian has worked wonders for my anxiety. She is two years old but has been living with me for about eight months. When I started having really bad panic attacks my boyfriend didnt know what to do. In a desperate attempt to calm me down he handed me my puppy and told me to hold her and told her to love on momma. She licked on my hands and my face, which I normally hate, but this time it was oddly soothing. I squeezed her tight and rubbed her belly as a sort of thanks. Previous to this, I had her registered as an Emotional Support Animal to avoid having to pay a pet fee at my apartment complex. I had the prescription medicine to prove I struggled with anxiety, but Id never experienced what she could truly do for me until that night. Having her close to me and loving me with her puppy kisses really helped the calming down process and eventually pulled me out of my little spell. I really suggest investing in a good puppy that can help you out too. Shes truly my furry best friend. These are three things that I have found very helpful in trying to control my anxiety. Comment below and let me know some of your helpful tips! Subscribe to my YouTube channel!

College Prep When Your Teacher Throws a Curveball

College Prep When Your Teacher Throws a Curveball When Your Teacher Throws You a Curveball There are many heavily dedicated students out there who are willing to spend any amount of time on homework and self-study in order to get straight As. If a student is given two or three days notice, they are willing to pull an all-nighter (generally not recommended), schedule extra time with their private Irvine tutor, or cancel social plans if necessary in order to impress their teacher and learn about the subject at hand (READ: How to Get an A Before the End of the Term). So what does that student do when thrown a curveball?                 Img Flickr user Charlotte90T The reality of college prep is teachers will occasionally hand out an assignment with a very tight deadline. Most students focus on why the teacher would do this; there are several reasons. 1. The teacher needs to meet certain guidelines from the school district. 2. It’s an AP class and the teacher wants to see if students are able to live up to the task. 3. The teacher doesnt view the assignment as essential to the final grade and doesnt feel   they have thrown their students a curveball. The most important thing for students is to understand how to practically deal with curveball assignments. Get on the phone and call your private tutor Many tutors are available for emergency sessions if the case presents itself. Students probably wont have their choice of time but having a tutor available last minute is really helpful.  Do your best The reality is if students look at the assignment and think they can earn an A if they have five hours to work on it over a period of days but only have 90 minutes tonight, they should just do their best (READ: 3 Warning Signs of Senioritis). Stressing one’s self out over one assignment will only make the rest of the assignments more challenging. Read the assignment; make a good effort to understand the questions and study. Your best is all you can do. Look for patterns in curveball assignments to save yourself stress in the future Students should look back through their folders for the last few months of the school year. On what days and what time did the teacher give out these assignments? Is it usually on the third Thursday of the month? Is it usually the day before a final exam? Is it usually after many classmates fall asleep in class? Most teachers have patterns of some sort; we all do. At the end of the day, every student will be given an assignment with a crazy tight deadline. The reality of advanced placement classes in high school is theyre just really hard. Theres no way around this but to get through it. It will, however, help students deal with the multitude of curveball assignments that will be thrown at them in college. If a student can handle this extra stress in high school, they can certainly handle it when they’re 20 (READ: Last Minute AP Study Guide). At the end of the day, the best way to deal with such issues is to be flexible, make a good effort, and then just breathe. If a student is hard-working and dedicated, things will most likely work out in the end. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. College Prep When Your Teacher Throws a Curveball When Your Teacher Throws You a Curveball There are many heavily dedicated students out there who are willing to spend any amount of time on homework and self-study in order to get straight As. If a student is given two or three days notice, they are willing to pull an all-nighter (generally not recommended), schedule extra time with their private Irvine tutor, or cancel social plans if necessary in order to impress their teacher and learn about the subject at hand (READ: How to Get an A Before the End of the Term). So what does that student do when thrown a curveball?                 Img Flickr user Charlotte90T The reality of college prep is teachers will occasionally hand out an assignment with a very tight deadline. Most students focus on why the teacher would do this; there are several reasons. 1. The teacher needs to meet certain guidelines from the school district. 2. It’s an AP class and the teacher wants to see if students are able to live up to the task. 3. The teacher doesnt view the assignment as essential to the final grade and doesnt feel   they have thrown their students a curveball. The most important thing for students is to understand how to practically deal with curveball assignments. Get on the phone and call your private tutor Many tutors are available for emergency sessions if the case presents itself. Students probably wont have their choice of time but having a tutor available last minute is really helpful.  Do your best The reality is if students look at the assignment and think they can earn an A if they have five hours to work on it over a period of days but only have 90 minutes tonight, they should just do their best (READ: 3 Warning Signs of Senioritis). Stressing one’s self out over one assignment will only make the rest of the assignments more challenging. Read the assignment; make a good effort to understand the questions and study. Your best is all you can do. Look for patterns in curveball assignments to save yourself stress in the future Students should look back through their folders for the last few months of the school year. On what days and what time did the teacher give out these assignments? Is it usually on the third Thursday of the month? Is it usually the day before a final exam? Is it usually after many classmates fall asleep in class? Most teachers have patterns of some sort; we all do. At the end of the day, every student will be given an assignment with a crazy tight deadline. The reality of advanced placement classes in high school is theyre just really hard. Theres no way around this but to get through it. It will, however, help students deal with the multitude of curveball assignments that will be thrown at them in college. If a student can handle this extra stress in high school, they can certainly handle it when they’re 20 (READ: Last Minute AP Study Guide). At the end of the day, the best way to deal with such issues is to be flexible, make a good effort, and then just breathe. If a student is hard-working and dedicated, things will most likely work out in the end. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Advantages of Becoming a Tutor

Advantages of Becoming a Tutor Different people might have different motivation for entering the private tutoring world. Here I will expose some of the benefits of tutoring that are considered most important. Free schedule. This is perhaps the main advantage of becoming a Tutor. There will be more time to pay attention to your family. You will be able to go on vacation whenever  you want, even 2 or 3 times a year and not when the boss lets you go. Life will stop just passing by. You will have  enough  time for reading, self-development, rest and for household chores. Good sleep. Especially Owl-type (those, who goes to sleep late and wakes up late) persons will understand me. Doctors have found out that this  behavior  can not be cured, but nevertheless, the world continues living according to the early bird schedule. No transport problems. For those who live in big cities, there is an advantage of avoiding trips in public transport, which looks more like a race to the bottom. But of course it applies if you invite students to your home. But even if you are a visiting Tutor, you can compose a special itinerary in order to avoid the rush hour. Healthy lifestyle. You can always have a home-cooked meal, not just a cold snack or a sandwich. Eating at home is a significant savings. Your budget will thank you. Tutor can choose a student. So the stress can be minimized. There is no such option in school (University, Collage, Institute). You cannot say to a bad behaved student: That’s it! I will teach you no more! And if you are a Tutor you are free to decide. Your income will depend only on you. Tutoring is a very well paid job, depending on your experience, professionalism and the ability to promote your services (for example placing your profile in a popular and specialized site) Tutor  chooses  methods and learning style himself. There is no need to adjust to the school or collage  program. No Boss. Tutor’s job is an individual work. No comments needed, I think. This advantage is a great relief. The economical crisis will not scare you anymore. Tutoring is always in demand. Especially now when  educational requirements in Schools, Collage and Universities became more strict now is a golden age for Tutors. In a career of a Tutor, the age is an advantage, not a heavy burden. Since it means experience and quality in the educational process. There are many more good reasons, I would kindly appreciate if you add some in the comments.